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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Energy Production and Consumption in Spain.

Energy Production and Consumption in Spain. from margatecnojaime

This presentation explains the charactreristics of Energy production and Consumption in Spain. We made this work with Sofia Merchan in technology class.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Hi tecnolovers ;
We have learned how to measure the resistance, voltage and current in real circuit. In this post we'll show you how to do it.

To measure voltage we use a multimeter.

When the circuit is connected and closed, you must put the ends of the multimeter in the corresponding wires of the circuit. For example:

To measure Vr1: You put the ends of the multimeter on each side of the resistor without opening the circuit.

We also use the multimeter but this time we open the circuit so that the current can pass through the end of the mutimeter, making it part of the circuit, in a way.

To measure or calculate the value of a resistor we look at the coloured lines it has. Always put the gold or silver line to the right side, this indicates the percentage of the value.
To calculate the total resistance:
SERIES: Rt = R1+R2
PARALELL: 1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2

Here is a table to learn how to calculate the vaules.